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The Essence of Our Name – At the heart of our retreat centre lies the ancient symbol of the Tree Of Life, a glyph representing primordial man that interweaves sacred geometry with the spiritual journey of life itself. The Tree Of Life mirrors the path each individual traverses in search of enlightenment and balance.

With roots deep in the philosophies and practice of Kabbalah, from which came the original derivation of our chakra system, our central building is a post and beam representation of the ten stations or sephiroth and 22 paths of the Kabbalah.

The sacred geometry emulates the archetypal human, and these stations, akin to the spinning chakras, influence a transformative path of self-discovery and spiritual alignment, harmonizing with the universal principles that govern all existence.

Unfortunately, we are not a permanent living community. We host, every year, different activities from May to November.

We would love to have you visit when there are no retreats. Please speak to Johanne if you plan to visit: 709-697-2996. 

You can also check out our AirBNB page to reserve one of our buildings and plan the perfect time to visit!

We are not connected to the electrical grid. We rely completely on our own renewable energy sources from the sun and water.

Ian loves, (one of our founders) to design and build in a way that feels “right”for him. His main goal in designing his incredible buildings is to create harmony, have great energy – and most people agree – look spectacular.

Every building at the Tree Of Life offers a unique “feeling” that supports healing, well-being and a content feeling of being, that cannot be explained-you must experience it for yourself.

Here’s a real life example of this. The ceiling of the ‘Capilla del Condestable’ in Spain. Octagonal geometric representation of the “Breath of the Compassionate”.

We are a unique rustic centre in nature. We are completely off the grid, we use gravity to supply our water. We drink from a natural spring. We grow a lot of our vegetables nourished by our own compost. We use reedbeds and compost toilets for waste disposal. We feature natural building techniques which means that our buildings “breathe” and we generate wood heat while using principles of solar passive gain by incorporating large thermal mass for heat absorption and release.

We love to prepare our delicious vegetarian-vegan foods (non-dairy, non-gluten) for all our participants, facilitators, work-aways and visitors. We take time to craft each meal – good food is crafted with your health and enjoyment in mind. We’re happy to know that our food brings people together from all walks of life.

What about people who have allergies and sensitivities?

When you plan to come for workshops, retreats or events, please contact Johanne at 709-697-2996 and we will do our best to cater to your requirements.

Some participants offset the cost of their retreat by bringing food or meals. We always welcome everyone’s participation. Keep in mind that some may have food sensitivities (dairy and gluten intolerance), we ask people who contribute with meals, to label their contributions with a list of ingredients of what they have prepared.

To support a healthy, spiritual environment, we discourage the use of recreational drugs, including alcohol and marijuana, during your stay. We believe that a clear mind and body enhance the spiritual practices and natural beauty that Tree of Life offers.

You can find more information under our community guidelines and practicalities page.

You’ll find a list of necessary and optional items to bring under our community guidelines and practicalities page.

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