Our Projects

Buildings on the go!

The Tree Of Life Eco-Retreat Centre was previously called the Tree Of Life Sustainability Project, and for good reason, because we are constantly designing and building, integrating concepts of efficiency of space using natural building approaches, which incorporates local sourced materials (e.g., logs, sawdust and wood-shavings), and lumber from our own bandsaw mill. Every building is unique, and recent focus has been to manifest space in the form of sacred geometry known as the Platonic Solids. Plato named these 5 solids, and each represents the shape of an element (Earth, Water, Air, Fir, & Ether).

Central Building

The central building is the Tree Of Life, the colloquial name for Kabbalah, which is a mystical system dating back thousands of years. At its core is a scared geometric shape, and these form the 10 stations and 22 paths of the glyph. I had a deep direction to construct the building, only in a 3-dimensional shape. In shape and form we can capture something mystical. This building started a journey to manifest the mystical, and to better understand sacred geometry and incorporate it into building. It’s like feng shui, life energy moves in optimal ways inside when favoured.

Art Studio

While completing her yoga teacher training at the Tree Of Life Eco-Retreat Centre during the summers of 2019 and 2020, Lynne had a vision to become more permanently engaged with the Not-For-Profit. This synergy meshed with the founding vision and constitution that included developing a life-long lease for designing, constructing and operating a permanent artists-in-residence program. The collaboration is manifesting a unique structure based on sacred geometry where Lynne can reside, and create art while in Newfoundland as well as sharing this space with other artists for inspiration and creativity.

The wooden structure is based on the principles of sacred geometry, inspired by the “Breath of the Compassionate” design; an eight-pointed star geometric pattern. The two story, eight-sided, post and beam structure uses an eight-pointed star pattern that is cleverly embedded on the interior to provide structural support and integrity, as well as aesthetic appeal. This project is a labour of love of many who have spent untold hours of cutting, barking, staining, shaping, carving, and placing each log and milled lumber, most of which has been harvested directly from the property.     

Starfish House

Integrating the dodecahedron originally named as the shape of Ether or Love by Plato, we sometimes joke and call it the ‘Love Shack’. This form incorporates the pentagram and pentangle that has a rich representation in the mystery school, and nature-based practices. 

Here Ian is deepening in his understandings of thermal mass by building an earth-sheltered (partially Buried) building. Against this buried north side and insulated, is a 8m x 2m x 0.5m thick wall of rock built to absorb the sunlight passing under the eaves through the large south-facing windows in the colder season. All the buildings incorporate hydronics (in-floor heating) because heated water can be supplemented using wood-heat or even propane if necessary.


We have started to renovate the front of the Tree Of Life central building to incorporate a 10m x 25m solarium. Building on experience with thermal mass and heat storage, Ian plans to pour a cement floor with embedded hydronic piping so that warm water can be circulated to provide heat. The plan is to integrate an adjoining solar hot water system, and circulate and maintain 1,000 L of warmed water via solar evacuation tubes. We hope to be able to grow produce all year-round.


After Ian’s experience at Spirit Horse last fall, he felt compelled to build a sauna at Tree Of Life. The design is a 3-dimensional pentagram, and the stove a take-off from the working examples of repurposed propane/pressure tanks used in Wales by Shivam O’Brien. The building will be small and have a circular feel when gathered inside for a sweat.

Other Features at TOL

Off-The-Grid Energy:
TOL is entirely off-the-grid, utilizing micro hydro and solar power. We have an eight-month seasonal gravity-fed water supply and plant-based reedbeds waste disposal systems. The main building (Kabbalah) features a large masonry wood heating unit, also known as a Russian Fireplace. Future plans include adding a solarium with solar hot water capacity adjoining the south end of the main building.


The Tree of Life (TOL) maintains organic gardens, herb gardens, a greenhouse, berry bushes, and fruit trees. We participate in a small-scale composting project and generate our own mulch to enhance gardening skills, self-sufficiency, and food security. Our ongoing landscaping efforts include maintaining a local ‘fog forest’ hiking trail.

Bandsaw Mill:

The bandsaw mill is my favorite thing at Tree Of Life. It seems infinite what one can do when it is possible to continually produce lumber. It can be sized to create special effects. I admit to indulging in certain wood types, such as our local juniper (which is Larch). I have discovered that it is what you do with the wood that makes the difference, or shall we say, creates the effect on people. As natural builders we handle the wood by planing it smooth, sanding it and especially routering it. In the central building every beam has curled edges, creating a subtle effect that is hard to describe.

Natural Building:

TOL’s construction features traditional building methods such as extensive post and beam design based on sacred geometry patterns. We source lumber from demolished buildings and waste lumber. We generate our own lumber from our bandsaw mill. Repurposing old lumber involves labor-intensive processes like de-nailing, planing, sanding, and routering. We apply principles of thermal mass to store heat in winter and keep buildings cool in summer. For insulation, we recycle sawdust and wood shavings from the sawmill, adding a small portion of hydrated lime to prevent insect infestations. Our building achieves efficiency while reducing the overall construction footprint. Use of natural stone and pebbles for landscaping and special applications.

TOL hosts several colonies of honeybees and aims to increase honeybee capacity. We are continually learning how to raise and tend to honeybees in the Newfoundland climate, driven by a love of beauty and the beauty of love.

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